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Radicular vs Mechanical Pain After An Accident

There are many nuances to auto accidents, but there is one thing you can always expect; pain! Whether your auto accident is severe or mild, one car or more, pain in some fashion is to be expected. Of course, pain can vary in intensity, location and even type. Today, we’re going to talk about the differences between Radicular vs Mechanical pain after an auto accident.

Related > Why You Should Still See A Doctor Even After A Minor Auto Accident

Radicular Pain

What is Radicular pain?

Radicular pain after an auto accident occurs when there is compression of the spinal nerve roots which are located all along the spine placed between each vertebrae. This type of pain is called Radicular because it radiates down nerve pathways. In other words, this type of pain, although the origin is localized in the spine, the pain can spread down limbs.

What does Radicular Pain Feel Like?

Radicular pain can be felt in the back, neck, or down any limbs. Radicular pain is associated with sharp or burning sensations as opposed to a dull ache, and it tends to come in waves. This type of pain can also bring numbness or tingling to the limbs. So after an accident, if you’re feeling sharp or intense waves of pain down your legs or around your arms, it’s important to consider the possibility of a serious injury to the spine, such as a herniated disk or spinal stenosis which are causing radicular pain.

Treatment for Radicular Pain

If you are experiencing sharp pains, numbness, or tingling in the arms and legs after an auto accident, it is crucial to seek medical care right away. A medical professional will assess your pain, and draw up treatment plans. Anti-inflammatory or epidural shots are a great way to help reduce swelling and pain in the body. Physical therapy is also a great way to get mobility back in the core area, or to any affected limbs.

Related > The Dangers Of Untreated Whiplash After An Accident

Mechanical Pain

What is Mechanical Pain?

Mechanical pain after an auto accident happens due to injury of the spine, but can also come from injury to the surrounding area including muscles, ligaments, or joints. This type of pain is more localized, so finding where in the body caused the pain in the first place can be easier to spot. Although it may be easier to pinpoint the location of the pain, that doesn’t mean the pain is any less uncomfortable than radicular.

What does Mechanical Pain Feel Like?

Opposed to radicular pain, where pain is burning and sharp that can spread across the body, mechanical pain radiates a deep ache in the affected area. This can feel like a throbbing in the back or neck, or even cause an unforgiving soreness. Arguably, the worst part about mechanical pain is that it is almost always worsened by physical activity. So getting daily chores done, or coaching soccer practice might have to be on hold until treatment begins.

What Does Treatment For Mechanical Pain Look Like?

When it comes to mechanical pain, treatments tend to be very minimally invasive. Your medical care professional will suggest a lot of rest, and relaxation! Moving around too much will irritate your body and cause lots of inflammation. Physical Therapy is also a great way to safely but effectively get some relief for aches or stiffness. Lastly, chiropractic care is a popular treatment for mechanical pain.

Don’t Wait, Call Us!

If you or a loved one recently suffered an auto accident and are experiencing stiffness and aching, or sharp pains around the back or limbs, please give our team at Impact Medical Dade City a call! You don’t have to suffer through pain, alone! Our goal is to find you a pain management treatment that is effective and works for you and your lifestyle. Give us a call at 813-706-5156 and let our team help you take the first steps on your healing journey.

Is Accident Treatment Actually Important For A Claim In 2024?

Some car crash victims may file a claim and call it done, but neglecting certain tasks like seeking medical attention can hurt your chances of receiving adequate compensation. Find out how accident treatment can work in your favor when filing an insurance claim in 2024! After getting all the facts, know that Impact Medical is always available to treat your accident injuries at multiple locations throughout Florida.

What Insurance Companies Look For In a Claim

How do insurance companies decide how much they’re going to offer you? Yes, much of it has to do with your vehicle’s repairs, but that’s not the only thing they consider when reviewing your case. Having medical records for your accident-related treatment can act as proof of the extent of your injuries and increase your chances of getting a higher settlement (or any settlement, at all). When using your doctor’s visits to assist with your insurance claim, the timing of your initial visit and the consistency in how often you go back for treatment are all considered.

The Most Critical Factors When Handling Insurance Claims

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of timing and consistency when seeking medical treatment to back your insurance claim:


The time it takes you to see a doctor after getting into a car accident plays a critical factor in how seriously your insurance provider takes your records. The sooner you’re seen from the time of impact, the easier it is to prove how severe your injuries were and how necessary it was to seek immediate treatment. If you take too long to visit your local doctor’s office, the less impactful your injuries may seem.

”How soon should I seek treatment?”

Prompt care is important, but if anything, seeing a doctor within 14 days of the accident is often enough to help your case. This timeframe also helps you qualify for PIP coverage.

Taking care of your body right after an accident is vital not just for insurance coverage but also for your well-being. Learn more about how you should take care of your body after being in an accident.


Every accident injury is different, ranging from mild pain to severe trauma. Although we wish that your injuries are minimal, it may also help you to know that more intense injuries can help your case in an insurance claim. Traumatic brain injuries and any injuries that put you at risk of chronic pain can result in higher compensation.

To help you determine the scope of your injury, read more about what injuries your doctor should be checking for after an auto accident.


The more visits your treatment calls for, the more severe your accident injury may appear to your insurance provider. Usually, severe or chronic injuries require multiple visits which may equate to higher compensation due to stacking medical bills.

All of the tips and information mentioned above can be useful in protecting yourself from third-party liability.

Who Is Qualified to Treat My Accident Injuries?

Pay mind to the type of doctor that you see for accident injury treatment. Some practitioners may not be qualified to administer appropriate care or may not be recognized by your insurance provider. So you don’t realize that after five appointments you may not receive compensation for your medical bills, it pays to make sure you’re seeing the right specialist from the get-go. For instance, Impact Medical can be trusted for accident treatment in Tampa according to insurance providers who are popular among our patients.

Meet Your Insurance Claim Requirements By Seeking Accident Injury Treatment at Impact Medical!

Are you having trouble with your insurance settlement? Impact Medical offers a way for you to get treatment without it. Contact your nearest office to ask about our affordable self-pay chiropractic services!

Low Back & Hip Pain After An Accident? How The Two Are Connected

Does it seem like your pain is bouncing back and forth between your lower back and hip after your car crash? That’s not a coincidence. These two areas share more in common than you may think, and we’re here to reveal this little secret about your body that you need to know. Learn more about how your lumbar spine and hip are connected before visiting Impact Medical Plant City for accident injury care near you.

Today’s Anatomy Lesson: The Relation Between the Hip and Spine

Are you ready to start taking notes? The hip and spine are directly connected together by a series of muscles, ligaments, and even some nerves. Each of these components is prone to injury and pain. That’s why pain in one area typically results in pain in the other. Think of your hip and lumbar as neighbors whose lawns are both affected by bad weather when it comes their way.

If you’re looking for a more solid answer, the main connector between the hip and sacrum is the sacroiliac joint (also referred to as the SI joint for short). The SI joint can be found between the lumbar spine and tailbone.

Common Accident Injuries In the Hip and Lower Back

The most common types of accident injuries that result in lower back and hip pain involve herniated discs, slipped discs, and bulging discs which can all affect the nerves and trigger pain receptors. Other types of accident injuries include:

  • This occurs when the sciatic nerve is injured or compressed.
  • The scope of this injury encompasses soft tissue like tendons and ligaments.
  • SI joint inflammation. During an accident, the SI joint often gets the full force of the impact before becoming inflamed.
  • Muscle strains. The muscles along the thigh or hamstring can strain and affect the lower spine.

To help prevent these painful and debilitating injuries, take a moment to review our tips for staying safe driving in the city.

When Should I See a Doctor For My Accident Injuries?

Some injuries may go away on their own with plenty of rest and care, but there are times when delaying treatment can allow the injury to progress. Consider calling your doctor if you experience these symptoms:

  • Weakened muscles in the lower body
  • Pain that does not improve or go away over time
  • The appearance of illness or fever symptoms
  • Sudden, unintended weight loss
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Suspected risk of head trauma

Treatment Options For the Hip and Lower Back

The best treatment options for the hip and lower back after an accident involve natural adjustments to the body or guided exercises and stretches. Physical therapy and spinal decompression are a couple of great examples of effective solutions.

Learn more > 3 Ways You Can Avoid Meds For Pain Management in 2024 and How Our Team Can Help

Physical Therapy

PT is often the go-to for accident injuries because it keeps people on a healthy routine of strength-building and mobility exercises. Physical therapy has been proven to work for pain and injury in the lower back and hip areas.

Spinal Decompression

When much of the strain is in the spinal area, spinal decompression can relieve pressure and mitigate pain in the lumbar spine. Addressing pain in the spine can spread to the hip.


Your outlook can contribute to any pain or discomfort that you feel by inducing stress or triggering anxiety, so taking a moment to meditate can introduce some much-needed positivity into your day. This is also why treating both mental and physical health is one of the popular injury treatment combinations that our patients love.

Where to Treat Hip and Back Pain In Plant City

Visit Impact Medical Plant City for effective personal injury treatment near you! Our compassionate team will help you find the best solutions to address any hip and lower back pain you may feel after your accident. Call 813-214-8330 to schedule a consultation!

What Is The Insurance Process Like After An Auto Accident?

With car accident statistics for 2024 at an all-time high, it’s about time you start taking your safety seriously and planning for the worst. Knowing where and how to be treated for accident injuries is a start, but you should also be prepared to handle insurance-related responsibilities. Take a look at what the insurance process is like after an auto accident and why you should trust Impact Medical Spring Hill for effective care near you.

Why You Need to Report the Accident ASAP

The first thing you should always do at the time of the accident is to call an emergency response team. Yes, everyone’s safety is important, but this step is for more than just ensuring the injured are taken care of. Making sure an official, detailed report is made on the spot is crucial for holding people accountable and receiving a fair amount from your insurance (or the other party’s insurance).

Remember these steps in the heat of the moment:

  1. Call an ambulance to tend to injuries
  2. Call the police for an official report of the accident
  3. Write down the other driver’s information for your own records

The First Point of Contact With Your Insurance

After the initial emergency has been taken care of, you can start focusing on initiating your insurance claim. The process can take a while which is why it’s better to get started as soon as you can, possibly on the day of the accident. Most insurance companies offer a 24-hour phone line you can call just for this reason. The representative you are connected to will ask you everything they need to know to file your claim.

Keeping Communications With Your Insurance Adjuster

Throughout the claim process, your assigned insurance adjuster will stay in contact with you to gather all of the information, reports, and photos they need to calculate a fair estimate for your settlement. This process can take time when additional steps are involved such as interviewing witnesses and receiving confirmation from places like auto shops and police stations.

Some accommodations may be needed for drivers of a certain age. For example, read our guide on legal and medical considerations for elderly drivers in Florida.

Receiving Your Insurance Settlement

If all goes well, you will receive a fair settlement with all factors in mind. Your offer should include the cost of repairs for your vehicle and the cost of treatment addressing any injuries that you may have sustained. Depending on your coverage and who may be at fault, your compensation may come from your own insurance provider or the provider of the other driver.

Common Rules Regarding Insurance Claims

To make sure you qualify for a settlement, there may be some rules set by your insurance provider or even the state. An insurance company may require you to make a claim within a certain number of days from the time of the accident, or you may need to seek medical treatment within 14 days to qualify for PIP coverage.

Learn more > Florida PIP 14-day Rule Explained

Here’s a Backup Plan For the Uninsured:

Are you not receiving adequate compensation, or do you not have insurance? You can still receive the care you need when you visit Impact Medical. We make it our goal to provide accessible treatment to greater Tampa Bay with affordable options like self-pay chiropractic care.

Get the Help You Need No Matter What at Impact Medical!

Whether you need help qualifying for PIP coverage or you’re looking for treatment without insurance, Impact Medical Spring Hill will help you get the care you need. Give us a call anytime at 352-631-6512 to schedule a consultation appointment!