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Is Nerve Pain In Your Arms Normal After An Accident?

For painful or uncomfortable arm-related symptoms after an accident, you could very well be dealing with nerve damage. The nerves in your spinal cord aren’t just linked to your brain, they can affect arm injuries as well. While nerve pain in your arms is common after enduring a car crash, it’s still a condition that should be checked out by your local chiropractors at Impact Medical Spring Hill.

The Complexities of Nerve Damage

Nerve pain in your arms can be caused by radiculopathy and pinched nerves. Pinched nerves are especially common in car crashes where the body is scrunched upon impact, compressing your spine which houses your nervous system. Radiculopathy and pinched nerves in the arm can last roughly 8 weeks before going away, but it’s best to get checked after a week of symptoms to avoid the risk of permanent damage. An example of permanent nerve damage in the arm is peripheral neuropathy.

How Do These Injuries Happen?

Of course, nerve damage can happen during an impactful accident. But more specifically, any trauma to the nerves can travel to the limbs including the arms, wrist, and hand. The nerve connecting to your arm can be bruised, crushed, cut, or anything similar, to transmit pain signals from the arm to the brain.

The Primary Nerves In Your Arm:

The median nerve in the center

The radial nerve on the thumb side

The ulnar nerve on the pinky side

Is It Nerve Pain? How to Tell:

Just because you feel pain in your arms doesn’t always mean it’s related to your nerves. The way you can tell if the sensation you’re feeling is nerve pain is if you start to lose feelings of sensation in the affected area, like a tingle or numbness. Nerve pain can also be identified by impeded functionality, an indication that the nerves aren’t able to properly send signals when attempting to move your arm. More subtle signs include impacted wrist mobility, weakened muscles, and abnormal sweating. Interventional pain management techniques can help treat these symptoms. We’ll talk about these methods, plus other effective tips for treating nerve pain.

Top Ways to Soothe Nerve Pain in the Arms

The most effective at-home treatments for nerve pain in the arm are similar to common methods for most injuries such as heat and ice packs, anti-inflammatory over-the-counter medications, and simple rest. In some cases, your doctor may suggest wearing a splint to keep your arm stable as it heals.

If at-home methods aren’t working, you can ask your doctor if you qualify for a corticosteroid injection which is a steroid shot consisting of cortisone to reduce inflammation and relieve pressure on the nerves that are affecting your arm pain. For nerve pain that refuses to go away even after a steroid injection or two, surgery is often the next step as a direct approach to loosening the pressure on the nerves.

Learn more > The Most Effective Treatments For Pinched Nerves After an Accident, Ranked

For Nerve Pain In the Arms and Everywhere Else, Impact Medical Can Help!

Contact your trusted team at Impact Medical Spring Hill for nerve pain treatment near you. Whether you’re experiencing nerve pain in the arms, wrists, or hands, we have the means to relieve your symptoms so you can recover from your injuries. Give your local office a call at 352-631-6512 to schedule a consultation!

3 Ways You Can Avoid Meds For Pain Management In 2024 – And How Our Team Can Help

You may feel tight, or sore, after an accident. As a result of the body being jolted, or thrown around, ligaments, nerves, muscles, and bones are liable to sustain injury. We all know how uncomfortable a pinched nerve, break or even sprain can feel in the body. Without proper treatment, other parts of our body will try to remedy the pain, causing overcompensation, which can lead to even more soreness! It feels like a never-ending problem, especially when you want to stay away from Pain Medication, for one reason or another. Luckily, our team of medical professionals has a wide range of treatments and protocols to help with pain management that doesn’t have to involve any form of medication!

Physical Therapy

Attending Physical Therapy treatments is a great and less invasive way to help remedy uncomfortable sensations or pain in the body after an accident. Physical therapy dates back to ancient Greece and is still a widely used a celebrated tool for recovery! By moving your body and participating in custom exercise and movement routines created by your trusted physical therapy team, you are helping your muscles, nerves, and even bones heal and ease discomfort. Every injury and body is different, so treatment will vary from person to person. This is why attending physical therapy where your team is trustworthy and knowledgeable is so important because there is no one-size-fits-all solution!

Physical Therapy treatments can include:

  1. Machines like treadmills, ellipticals, or even simple exercise balls or tension bands.
  2. Mobility exercises like stretches and strength-building movements using only your body weight.
  3. Balance and coordination exercises with equipment and movements.

Related > Can Physical Therapy Really Prevent Long-Term Conditions?

Chiropractic Care

The spine, in a lot of cases, can be one of the main causes of pain and discomfort even if the pain is radiating from a different part of the body. So, who would think that a Chiropractor is the answer when the pain is in your shoulder or arm? Well, most people don’t know that when the spine is out of alignment, it causes overcompensation in other areas of the body. It can also affect nerves running from the feet all the way up to the neck, even causing headaches! Getting routine chiropractic care can help alleviate pain from all different areas of the body. Since Chiropractic care has been around for a long time, there are many different movements and treatments that can be applied during your session. Here are some of the most common ones you’ll see at Impact Medical Sun City:

  1. Spinal Manipulation (Chiropractic Adjustment) – Spinal manipulation is the most common treatment associated with chiropractic care. It involves applying a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint. The goal is to improve spinal motion and enhance the body’s physical function.
  2. Spinal Mobilization – Spinal mobilization is a gentler, more controlled movement compared to spinal manipulation. It involves stretching and moving the joints and muscles to increase the range of motion and reduce pain.
  3. Soft Tissue Therapies – Chiropractors often use various soft tissue therapies to complement spinal adjustments. These treatments focus on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the spine and other joints.

Interventional Pain Management

Not every care facility offers as many medication-free pain management options as we do here, at Impact Medical Sun City! That’s why we offer what we call “Interventional Pain Management”. We have a board-certified PM/R physician who specializes in interventional pain management and has served Tampa Bay for over 30 years. At one of these Interventional Pain Management appointments, our team can assess what treatment would be the best for your injury, taking into account your preference for pain medication. There are many different treatments we offer and can discuss with you, including a Percutaneous Discectomy. A Percutaneous discectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the pain from herniated discs. The procedure is done with a small needle and eliminates the need for an incision. The needle is guided to the disc and a probe with a rotating tip is inserted through the needle sing fluoroscopy (live x-ray). When the probe is turned on, it removes small portions of the disc nucleus to allow the disc to reabsorb the herniation and relieve pressure on the nerve.

If you or someone you know is avoiding pain medication but is still experiencing discomfort or pain after an accident, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Impact Medical Sun City! Our team is ready to help you feel your best. Give us a call at 813-938-5195 so we can get started, today!

Can Steroid Injections Help Treat Synovitis After An Accident?

For pesky hip and knee pain, you may think you have tried every treatment option at your disposal. Not many people consider trying steroid injections to mitigate the pain in their synovial joints, but it may be your best chance of relief. Learn more about how steroid injections can help treat synovitis after an accident before reaching out to Impact Medical Plant City for accident injury treatment near you! Ask about our interventional pain management services including steroid injections and more.

Where Are My Synovial Joints?

The joints in your hip and knee are just a couple examples of your synovial joints. These joints consist of the tissue that makes up the joint capsule and, resting inside of that, the synovium. The synovium is tasked with lubricating the joint with the synovial fluid found inside to protect the cartilage in your joint during use. When the synovium swells, it can cause damage and pain to the entire joint area.

How Synovitis Occurs, and If You’re at Risk

Synovitis occurs when the synovium becomes swollen or inflamed. This is why synovitis is also referred to as synovial inflammation. This injury can happen to anybody, from healthy individuals to those who are less active. Here are a few ways that you can get synovitis:

  • When you overuse a joint during sports, working out, or performing repetitive tasks at your job.
  • When you have inflammatory arthritis can put you at risk of swollen synovial joints with excessive synovium growth.
  • When you lose cartilage through means such as osteoarthritis which causes stiffness and pain.

With multiple ways to instigate synovitis, it is crucial to get diagnosed for effective treatment. A specialist will be able to find the root of the problem and suggest the best treatment methods depending on your situation. If you’re not sure whether or not to seek treatment, it helps to know the definitive signs of synovitis.

The Defining Signs of Synovitis

You should always seek professional help from a doctor or specialist when you’re feeling joint pain, but you should also know how to identify problems so you understand when to make an appointment and what you should mention during your consultation.

Synovitis is usually defined by these common symptoms:

  • Severe pain that surpasses the appearance of the injury
  • Trouble moving the joint without experiencing jolts of pain
  • Difficulties moving the joint due to stiffness
  • Consistency in where the pain is located within the joint

Regardless of the symptoms you’re experiencing, steroid injections have been known to help treat synovitis in any capacity.

Quell Synovitis Swelling With Steroid Injections

The first step for treating synovitis usually starts with simple suggestions like taking anti-inflammatory medications and resting for a couple of days. If there is no sign of progress in your joint pain after that, then your doctor may recommend steroid injections to help quell the swelling in your synovial joint. These injections are effective in decreasing inflammation to help the joint heal and recover from any injuries. This is usually enough to treat synovitis, but on the off chance that your joint injury requires more, your doctor may move you on to a synovectomy which is a surgical procedure that removes some of your synovium.

Read more > What Aftercare Is Needed After Facet Joint Injections? What to Do and What to Expect

Have Synovitis? Seek Steroid Injections at Impact Medical Plant City!

Dealing with joint pain? Treat your synovitis with steroid injections at Impact Medical Plant City! We’ll diagnose your symptoms and put you on a personalized treatment plan for effective results. Give your local office in Plant City a call today at 813-214-8330.

Popular Injury Treatment Combinations Our Patients Love

Sticking with a single treatment method isn’t always enough for some injuries. There will be times when an injury is too severe to be resolved without additional help which is why combo treatments are sometimes recommended by chiropractors. Take a look at some of the most popular injury treatment combinations that our patients love to receive at Impact Medical:

A Focus on Both Mental and Physical Health

Regardless of how minor or extreme the accident is, it’s not uncommon to encounter both physical and emotional trauma. This is why a popular treatment combo that’s highly suggested by our team is the fusion of both physical and mental treatment methods. For example, you could visit us for chiropractic care to relieve physical pain while seeking our counseling services for emotional support in dealing with PTSD.

Read more > Why We Provide Services For Our Patients’ Both Physical and Mental Health

Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care – The Classic Duo

Perhaps our most popular treatment combo is between chiropractic care and physical therapy. These two options may sound similar to individuals who have yet to seek either treatment. The basic understanding is that you have someone to assist your physical body through natural movements and practices, and while this may be true, each one serves a distinct purpose with each of those purposes benefiting each other. Chiropractic care aims to relieve pain by decreasing inflammation in the body through adjustments. Meanwhile, the goal of physical therapy is to restore movement and flexibility which is much easier to accomplish after you relieve pain via chiropractic care.

Supplementing MUA With Chiropractic Care

When the pain from your injury is too much to bear, chiropractic care may be impossible to achieve without dealing with immense discomfort. Manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) helps patients restore motion by numbing the affected area and using gentle movements in a way that isn’t so painful. After receiving MUA treatment, our patients have been able to continue seeing our chiropractors.

Pairing Cognitive Therapy and Counseling For TBIs

Traumatic brain injury is a complex condition that requires complex care. One of the ways that our patients recover from TBIs is by nourishing the brain with cognitive therapy followed by emotional counseling to help them cope with brain-related disabilities that interfere with everyday tasks and quality of life. We understand that any injury that affects the brain can prove to be a tall obstacle, but our compassionate team is here to support you in every way.

Learn more > Can Chiropractic Care Help With Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Promoting PT Success With Steroid Injections

Recovery through physical therapy can be a process that takes time and effort, but if you’re dealing with swelling and inflammation, such conditions can slow down your treatment plan. Steroid shots can inject cortisone into the swollen or inflamed area, bringing you enough relief to help you strive for success in your PT journey. Steroid injections are just one of the many interventional pain management services that we offer at Impact Medical.

Find Your Perfect Combination Treatment Plan at Impact Medical

If you believe that any of these treatment combos can help you with your injury, contact your local Impact Medical office today to get started with a consultation! We will carefully diagnose your injury and symptoms to find the best combination of treatment methods to include in your personal recovery plan.