HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification

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HIPAA Seal of Compliance Verification


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How Important Is Stretching After a MUA Procedure?

If the pain and limited movement after your MUA have you feeling discouraged, there’s hope! A simple, often overlooked strategy can make a world of difference in your recovery: stretching. Stretching after MUA actively promotes healing, restores joint function, and helps you get back to your life. Let’s explore how. Fostering Enhanced Healing Post-MUA, the…

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How Living With Chronic Pain Can Impact Your Mental Health

Living with chronic pain often feels like carrying an invisible burden that weighs on the body, mind, and soul. It’s a constant reminder of the limitations and struggles that can affect every part of daily life. The worst part is that beyond the physical symptoms, chronic pain can even impact someone’s self-worth, effectively eroding their…

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Concussion Vs. TBI Treatment – Compared

Concussions and traumatic brain injuries (also called TBIs) are common head injuries that people suffer from after a car accident. Although they sound different, a concussion is a TBI. Confused? Don’t be! Our accident care team at Impact Medical Sun City Center discusses concussions and TBIs, and how we treat these conditions. What is a…

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